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Department Of Veterans Affairs Offers Support For Veterans During Mental Health Awareness Month

Release Date: 23 May 2016
ANCHOR LEAD: It may start out as feeling angry or irritable with things that didn't used to bother you. It could be recurring nightmares or trouble sleeping, which impact your daily life and make it hard to concentrate. These are just a few symptoms some Veterans may experience while dealing with a mental health condition. But, there is help. Brian Osuch has more. (:60)

SCRIPT: Health Care Now, I'm Brian Osuch. In 2015 about 1.6 out of the nation's 23.1 million Veterans received treatment through the VA for a mental health condition, but there still are some who don't know that treatment is available and that it works. Dr. Wendy Tenhula says the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs can help…

CUT: (Tenhula) VA has a comprehensive system of care to address Veterans mental health needs and we focus on training our clinicians in evidence-based treatments for mental health conditions and encouraging Veterans to do everything that they can to live happier and healthier lives.

SCRIPT: May is Mental Health Awareness Month… a perfect time to discuss mental health and effective treatments to help our nation's Veterans.

CUT: (Tenhula) Through the Make the Connection website, Veterans and their families and loved ones can view videos that are stories of Veterans telling their own personal experiences. You can also find a resource locator tool that allows you to find VA resources as well as community resources in your local area.

SCRIPT: For more, go to That's Health Care Now from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
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