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Did Your New Car Pass The Test (Drive)?

Release Date: 30 Mar 2016
ANCHOR LEAD: Buying a car is the second biggest investment most people make and many rush through or bypass an important pre-purchase step. Brian Osuch has more. (:60)

SCRIPT: Zero-to-Sixty, I'm Brian Osuch. Test driving a vehicle is such an important part of the car buying experience, but research from Autotrader finds most test drives are too brief and too few in number. Executive Editor of, Brian Moody says begin the process by doing your homework.

CUT: (Moody) Research online, look up cars, read consumer reviews, read expert reviews like Autotrader. But once you get to the dealership you're now deciding between just a few cars… maybe three or four.

SCRIPT: And then, hop behind the wheel…

CUT: (Moody) Bring your stuff with you. Make sure the car will work for you in your everyday life.

SCRIPT: Autotrader is helping narrow down the many vehicle choices on the market today with the 2016 "Must Test Drive" list…

CUT: (Moody) There's the Chevy Malibu, we think it looks great, handles great and has a feature we absolutely love and that's Apple CarPlay. There's also the FIAT 500X, a compact crossover SUV, terrific looking inside. We also like the Honda Civic. It's an economy car, but it doesn't have the look and feel of an economy car.

SCRIPT: For more on the list, go to That's Zero-to-Sixty from Autotrader.
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